Bates College students complete final presentation on MPAC collaborative project
Bates College students completed their final presentation on a collaborative project with the Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition (MPAC) and provided an extensive inventory of resources and support available in the categories of Family, Mental Health, Pre-trial, and Reentry.

The Inside Vision film series brings the world to those inside prison walls
In this compelling article, Dennis Perkins of The Portland Press Herald explores the "Inside Vision" film series, curated by film programmer and dedicated Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition (MPAC) volunteer Jon Courtney. The article highlights how "Inside Vision" not only offers a cinematic experience, but also serves as a platform for meaningful conversations about justice, rehabilitation, and the human experience within the confines of the carceral system.

Legislative Action in the 132nd
Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition announces its Legislative priorities for the 132nd legislature.

Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition - Facebook Group
The Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition (MPAC) is composed of Maine prisoners, their friends and families, victims of crime, and others committed to ethical, positive, and humane changes in Maine's prison system.
Maine Harm Reduction Alliance
A network of people, programs and organizations dedicated to enhancing the provision of harm reduction services through education, advocacy and action.