Bates College students complete final presentation on MPAC collaborative project 

Bates College students successfully completed their final presentation on a collaborative project with the Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition (MPAC), showcasing their extensive research and cataloguing of varied resources available to those who are system-impacted in Maine and their families. The presentation demonstrated the student’s deep understanding of the project's objectives and has provided MPAC’s community with an invaluable inventory of critical resources. The presentation was structured into four distinct categories, as outlined below, and underscores the need for a holistic approach to support individuals throughout their journey within the criminal legal system and the many resources available.


This section emphasizes the critical role of familial support in the lives of individuals impacted by the criminal legal system in Maine. It highlights the challenges faced by families, including separation during incarceration and the impact on children. Strategies for strengthening family connections, such as communication tools and support programs are provided.

Mental Health

The focus here is on the intersection of mental health and the criminal legal system. Topics included the prevalence of mental health issues among incarcerated individuals, the need for appropriate mental health care, and the importance of trauma-informed approaches. The presentation identifies resources to ensure individuals receive necessary support throughout the judicial process.


This category addresses the pre-trial phase, emphasizing the significance of assessments and interventions as well as the importance of fair treatment and the potential for diversion programs to reduce unnecessary incarceration. The presentation calls for reforms to support individuals awaiting trial, including access to legal representation and alternatives to detention, and provides a list of resources.


The final section concentrated on the reentry process for individuals returning to society after serving time. Key points include the challenges of reintegration, such as finding stable housing and employment, and where to start. Programs designed to facilitate successful transitions are highlighted, along with a list of organizations and groups, emphasizing the importance of community support to reduce recidivism and encourage positive outcomes.


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