Resources for Advocates
Changing Maine’s Prisons through Positive Action
In this informative video, Nicole Lund and Jan Collins make the case for reinstating parole in Maine. Their presentation, held at the University of Maine at Farmington's Emery Community Arts Center, discusses the vital process of parole and the significant improvement it holds for individuals and society.
Frank Zarro, founder of Society Impact, sheds a light on the deficiencies of Maine’s criminal legal system as it relates to racial inequality, underfunded reentry and rehabilitation programs and the lack of parole legislation, and what it will require for the state of Maine to begin fulfilling its neglected constitutional responsibilities.
On November 14th , Nicole Lund led a discussion on Mass Incarceration in order to minimize stigma and shame that surrounds this topic. Lund began the conversation with an overview of what incarceration in America is today, statistical information, and a brief history lesson followed by why she is passionate about this line of work. “It is my hope that by the end of this conversation, you’ll see the importance of addressing this very significant issue in our society.” Lund explained.
Advancing Pretrial Policy and Research (APPR) offered a free virtual training on how to reduce jail populations and increase safety and well-being for women, primary caretakers, and their children through a focus on gender justice in pretrial.
Penobscot County Jail (PCJ) in Bangor has been overcrowded for a decade. The county’s solution is to spend tens of millions of dollars to build an enormous new jail. We think there are better options - ones to make our communities safer and healthier, and save taxpayers money.
The ACLU of Maine is a non-partisan organization dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of civil liberties and civil rights.
The Restorative Justice Institute was founded in 2011 to take the best practices of restorative justice from existing efforts currently underway and foster their expansion and growth throughout communities across the state.
The Maine Prisoner Advocacy Coalition (MPAC) is comprised of Maine prisoners, their friends and families, victims of crime, and others committed to ethical, positive, and humane changes in Maine's prison system.
Since 2001, Maine Hospice Council has been operating a hospice program at Maine State Prison (MSP), in partnership with the Prison and the Maine Department of Corrections (MDOC). The Maine Hospice Council and our community volunteers have brought elevated awareness of end-of-life issues to the prison setting. This partnership has enhanced services for prisoners and provided staff with greater knowledge and sensitivity on issues of grief and loss, as well as broadening the horizons of countless individuals through our advocacy and annual conferences.
Maine Inside Out artists facilitate the creation of original theater to engage the community in dialogue about issues related to incarceration. The tool of theater invites us to recognize ourselves in others and to connect across boundaries.