Director’s Update: March 2025

Operations: February operations are on track. 

  • MPAC: Board consists of 7 members, Co-Chair Ryun Anderson, Co-Chair Carla Hunt, Executive Secretary Julian Rowand, board members Jadirah Ortiz, Craig Williams, Rosalani Moore and Thraza Rosie Hylton. 

  • MPAC currently has a staff size of 12 individuals. Joseph Jackson, Jan Collins, Peter Lehman, Joelle Jackson, Darlene George, Brandon Brown, Andre Hicks, Antonio Jackson, Linda Small, Sammy Basu, Daria Cullen and Kathy Elliot

  • MPAC- contracted Jeff Evangelos to support clemency and habeas corpus applications.

  • MPAC has 10 volunteers. Doug Dunbar, Jon Courtney, Jamie Peloquin, Leslie Manning, Tatum Rosenberg, Olivia Hochstadt, Lani Graham, Adriane Herman, Nicole Lund, Sarah Johnson, Ann Beaudry and Craig McEwen.  Special thanks for their work and dedication. 

  • MPAC Mission. Value, and Purpose statements 

  • Our Mission is to support and advocate for Maine’s incarcerated citizens, their families and friends.

  • Our Purpose is to reduce Maine’s use of incarceration by advocating for a criminal legal system that is ethical, humane and restorative.  

  • Our Vision is of a justice system that is restorative. It supports humanity in every person, and reflects and creates transformation and accountability.

  • MPAC Staff and Volunteers meet as a full team weekly to update and resolve tensions.

  • MPAC staff members are in regular communications with incarcerated residents and formerly incarcerated individuals.

  • MPAC staff meeting in-person with incarcerated residents at MSP, Bolduc, MCC, SMWRC. 

  • MPAC Strategy Meeting is the second Saturday of each month from 10-12.

  • MPAC - Legislative Strategy Meeting every Tuesday at 5:30 pm. 

  • Arts Programming Team - meets weekly Thursday mornings at 8:00am.

  • MPAC Website Committee: meets bi-weekly, Wednesday at 5:00 pm

  • MPAC - Development and Communications Committee meets Mondays every other week at 8:00 am.

  • MPAC - grant committee meets weekly on Tuesday.

  • MPAC - Ways of Working committee meets monthly.

  • MPAC - staff continues to support formerly incarcerated individuals in reentry, with transport, peer to peer support. One on one and in group settings.

On-going: Advocacy, correspondence, and Direct Dialogue. 

  • February MPAC Strategy Meeting - Meeting went well. There were 22 people in attendance. Community spotlight this month was the Charles Jordan developer Dan Black. There were many questions including if some of the work could be done by system impacted people.

  • MDOC - met with Commissioner Cantillo about the Healthcare co-pay. I explained that we were not in favor of any bill that sought to close their budget gap on the backs of incarcerated people and their families

  • MDOC - MPAC advocated video visits for an 88 years old and wheelchair bound incarcerated man currently housed in the "Assisted Living Unit" at Mountain View Correctional Center. His family member is elderly and unable to drive. The DOC is providing tech support to connect them using the new system.

  • MDOC - Joseph met with Deputy Commissioner Cantillo to advocate for a man who is wheelchair bound at MCC. The leg rest on the chair had been removed for security reasons. Deputy Commissioner addressed the issue.

  • MDOC - MPAC advocated for access to Healthcare for a man with Lupus in Mountain View Correctional Center. According to the Deputy Commissioner he has access to healthcare. This perspective is disputed by the incarcerated man.

  • MDOC - MPAC advocated for access to Healthcare for a man in MSP who suffered from cardiovascular disease. The Deputy Commissioner is looking into the complaint.

  • MDOC - MPAC advocated for a man housed at MCC who had been denied SCCP. Due to the lack of a Freedom of Information form the Deputy Commissioner wouldn't discuss the case, but acknowledged he was aware of it. He responded by saying just because a person is eligible doesn't mean it will be approved. We asked if there was anything the man could have done to improve his chances. The Deputy Commissioner responded that he had spoken to the individual.

  • MDOC - met with Deputy Commissioner Cantillo about complaints regarding the lack of access to the  Law Library.  The Deputy Commissioner stated MDOC has addressed the issue and that the hold up was a state agency outside of DOC.

  • MDOC - MPAC advocated for a man housed at MSP who has been diagnosed with a  terminal illness.  The man is seeking compassionate release to the veterans hospital at Togas. The Deputy Commissioner is looking into his case.

  • MDOC - MPAC inquiries about the continued cancellations of Medical Subcommittee meetings around Healthcare complaints. The Deputy Commissioner countered with a complaint stating that residents often place last minute issues on the agenda. This prevents the MDOC the ability to prepare for the meeting. The Deputy Commissioner noted wellpath has hired Dr. Alexander as it's chief medical provider.

  • MDOC- MPAC inquired about the frequency of denials for funerals and Deathbed visits. MPAC has received several complaints about residents being denied the ability to attend funerals or Deathbed visits for close family members. The Deputy Commissioner reported that the decisions are made on a case by case basis and doesn't feel there is an issue.

  • MDOC - The Deputy Commissioner reported that the MDOC has virtually eliminated taking good time. He stated it will only be considered on class A infractions.

  • MCC Longtimers - the women complained about cold food in the chow hall. Advocates raised this issue with MDOC. Later in the month, when they ran out of food, staff made them a separate meal. They did not have to eat something cold.

  • MCC Longtimers - face masks were handed out, due to a viral outbreak.

  • MCC Reentry Center - Daria and Leslie - women are very engaged with our group meetings. There are only 15 women working at the Reentry Center  and this is still a concern. There has been no resolution on transportation or new employment contracts. Very discouraging.

  • MCC Reentry Center - Nicole Murphy is the new leader in reentry. There’s been issues raised about paychecks being held for several weeks (3-6 wks), even when they’re paid weekly.

  • Advocacy Coalition- continuing to process youth justice issues and also to discuss the attack on LGBTQ individuals especially trans.

  • Longcreek - Andre's has resumed his role in the facility in collaboration with Credible Messengers. He meets weekly with each youth committed and detained with the question of the day. Each youth is provided a journal to respond.

  • Longcreek- Andre reported as of last week there was 20 boys committed to Longcreek. This is a high number of kids. 11 detained boys, and 6 girls.

  • Longcreek - MPAC is supporting 24 youth in reentry. There is weekly engagement with youth one-on-one or in groups. Youth are provided food, shoes, and haircuts. They are supported with seeking employment (help with filling out applications). Andre is speaking on behalf of youth during court hearings.

  • Longcreek- Andre is reporting that Froends of LongCreek are providing resources for kids to get their drivers licenses. Many of Andre's youth participants are doing well in school, and many have jobs. He attributes their success to our commitment to developing authentic relationships with these young people.

  • Longcreek- Andre travels regularly to Newport and Lewiston / Auburn to connect with formerly incarcerated youth. He attended a celebration of life for a youth who recently lost his life.

  • MSP - there are more lock downs over security and staffing issues. Rec is a challenge. Admin is balking at joint rec for the 400 and 500 building. 

  • MSP-NAACP- The Malaga Ship touring with Atlantic Black Box performed March 7th at MSP.


  • MPAC -  Linda and Brandon to lead the project to develop programming for the Paco's Place (Charles Jordan) reentry house. Project is ongoing 

  • MPAC Clemency project - we had a number of set backs with the parole board and court cases. It's very difficult to get relief once you have been convicted.

  • Get Out of Prison Guide - MPAC is working in collaboration with Colby College and the Justice Collective to create a get out of jail prison guide. It's nearly complete!

  • Reentry Support- MPAC supported 6 people in reentry transition this month. 

  • Gallery Exhibit Project titled Inside Vision- gallery art exhibition at LA arts from March 28–May 9. We are currently seeking permission to have incarcerated artist appear by zoom at the grand opening.

  • Inside Vision Project - March 16th viewing of the film 16 BARS, reaching out to Genius Black.

  • Inside Vision Project - April 14th viewing of the film Sing Sing.

  • MPAC- Lunch and Learn held for the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.

  • UMAINE Law - Joseph took part in a panel discussion about the 6th amendment and Maine's Violation of it. 

  • Beyond the Bars- Linda and Cuba are in New York for the conference.

  • Justice Radio - interview with Jan Collins from the Permanent Commission. For archived episodes, please visit:

  • Maine Human Rights Commission- MPAC Assistant Director Jan Collins presented about the new law about  unlawful discrimination that requires that public and private entities to comply. Please see the wording of the statute

  • Mainecare- MPAC is partnering with Mainecare to hold workshops at MSP, MCC, Statewide Community meeting and a county jail.

  • Black Balloon Day - is in Bangor March 8th. Brandon is attending.

  • Maine Dems Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee - Jan conducted a presentation at their monthly meeting.

  • Brennan Center- is conducting a survey in collaboration with MPAC within the Maine Department of Corrections. 

  • Charles Jordan House - the Charles Jordan House project received a Notice to Proceed from MaineHousing. Hoping to break ground in May


  • MPAC - Daria Cullen is our communications lead. 

  • Website: MPAC Volunteer Jamie Peloquin leads our Website design.

  • Website: Daria working on Inside Vision page for the website.

  • Jamie is working on the Legislative Action page.

  • Daria continues to update our website,

  • MPAC - new YouTube channel MPAC YouTube channel 

  • MPAC brochures. MPAC Brochure 

Donors/ funders:

  • Grant team meets weekly. 

  • PayPal Transition:  we continue to receive monthly donations on our paypal account. We have sent letters to our monthly donors informing them of our move to Zeffy.

  • Donate Button Zeffy platform 

  • MPAC- The end of year letters for tax deductions for all donors are complete and in the mail.

  • Revolutionary Press - we received a 500 dollar donation.

  • Individual Donor - 10000.00 dollars donated

  • Individual Donor - 160.00

  • Individual Donor - 28,000.00 dollars donated

  • United Way - donated 117.09

  • NRCAT grant - 28,000.00 received 

  • MEHAF - 10000.00 received for participation in 2024 cohort.

  • Maine Initiatives- MPAC has been selected as a finalist for their Giving Project Fund. Recipients received $20,000!

  • Sewell Foundation- MPAC has been awarded 10000.00 payment pending!

  • Maine Community Foundation- MPAC awarded 10000.00 for their BIPOC fund. Payment pending!

  • Become A Sustainer campaign- A sustainer is a Donor or Supporter who commits to making monthly or yearly donations of time or money to the organization. Sustainers play a crucial role in providing a stable and predictable source of income for us by allowing us to plan and execute long-term initiatives with greater confidence.


  • Assistant Director Jan Collins leads!

  • Legislative Committee Meetings - meets Tuesdays at 5:30pm each week.

  • Legislative Committee Meetings - it's been a very busy legislative session this spring. The Criminal Records and Public Safety Committee have been really receptive to our public comment on criminal legal issues.

  • Legislative Committee - Peter and Jan testified on speedy trials, room and board charge, and funding for victim’s advocates.

  • Legislative Committee - Peter and Jan testified on LD 425 Conviction Review bill. The bill got good support with no opposition.

  • Legislative Committee - Joseph, Linda and Jan testified on LD 246 Family Caregiver bill. Everyone agreed to the premise of the bill, there was some discussion about legal procedures.

  • Legislative Committee -  Speakers Bureau Brochure 

  • Legislative Update- Parole4Me- meets every other Wednesday over zoom. 

  • Legislative Update- MPAC’S 2025 Legislative Tracker

  • Parole4ME - In addition to our statewide work, we are also hoping to organize by county. York County has begun contacting all of the local rotary clubs to discuss the topics of mass incarceration and the topic of parole. They are using Speaker’s Bureau brochures with a cover letter from MPAC and Prole4ME. Nicole Lund has presented on Mass Incarceration at UMF on Nov 14th and on Parole on Nov 21. Both talks are recorded.

Strategic Partnerships: ongoing- MaineTransnet, GLADD, Portland Outright, MIO, MYJ, Maine Law School, Disability Rights, Maine Equal Justice, ACLU, Muskie, Recovery Connections, Recovery Housing, JJAG, Women’s League of Voters, MPRN, MPDA, MSP-NAACP, Colby College, Bates College, UMA, RJIM, Maine Immigrants, Maine Family Planning, Maine Humanities Council, FAMM (Families for Justice Reform).

New Partners- Pubic Health Committee for Maine Medical Association, Knox-Waldo Sexual Assault Response Team (SART),  Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women. No Penobscot County Jail Expansion, ME-RAP, Southern Maine SURJ(Standing Up for Racial Justice), Amistad, Maine CDC, Vera Institute, Curative, Augusta Recovery Center, Reform Alliance, College Guild, Project Home, Maine Health Equity Foundation, Orange Bike Brewing Company, Friends of LongCreek, Groundwater Institute, Volunteers of America, Brennan Center.


Director’s Update: February 2025