Director’s Update: February 2025

Operations: January operations are on track. 

  • MPAC: Board consists of 6 members, Co-Chair Ryun Anderson, Co-Chair Carla Hunt, Executive Secretary Julian Rowand, board members Jadirah Ortiz, Craig Williams, and Rosalani Moore. 

  • MPAC: currently has a staff size of 12 individuals. Joseph Jackson, Jan Collins, Peter Lehman, Joelle Jackson, Darlene George, Brandon Brown, Andre Hicks, Antonio Jackson, Linda Small, Sammy Basu, Daria Cullen and Kathy Elliot

  • MPAC: contracted Jeff Evangelos to support clemency and habeas corpus applications.

  • MPAC: has 10 volunteers. Doug Dunbar, Jon Courtney, Jamie Peloquin, Leslie Manning, Tatum Rosenberg, Olivia Hochstadt, Lani Graham, Adriane Herman, Nicole Lund, Sarah Johnson, Ann Beaudry and Craig McEwen.  Special thanks for their work and dedication. 

  • MPAC: Mission. Value, and Purpose statements 

    Our Mission is to support and advocate for Maine’s incarcerated citizens, their families and friends.

    Our Purpose is to reduce Maine’s use of incarceration by advocating for a criminal legal system that is ethical, humane and restorative.  

    Our Vision is of a justice system that is restorative. It supports humanity in every person, and reflects and creates transformation and accountability.

  • MPAC: Staff and Volunteers meet as a full team weekly to update and resolve tensions.

  • MPAC: staff members are in regular communications with incarcerated residents and formerly incarcerated individuals.

  • MPAC: staff meeting in-person with incarcerated residents at MSP, Bolduc, MCC, SMWRC. 

  • MPAC: Strategy Meeting is the second Saturday of each month from 10-12.

  • MPAC: Legislative Strategy Meeting every Tuesday at 5:30 pm. 

  • Arts Programming Team: Meets weekly Thursday mornings at 8:00am.

  • MPAC Website Committee: Meets bi-weekly, Wednesday at 5:00 pm

  • MPAC: Development and Communications Committee meets Mondays every other week at 8:00 am.

  • MPAC: Grant committee meets weekly on Tuesday.

  • MPAC: Ways of Working committee meets monthly.

  • MPAC: Staff continues to support formerly incarcerated individuals in reentry, with transport, peer to peer support. One on one and in group settings.

On-going: Advocacy, correspondence, and Direct Dialogue. 

  • January MPAC Strategy Meeting - Meeting went well. There were 22 people in attendance. Community spotlight this month was Mary Bonato at GLADD Law.  Mary was the recent recipient of the President's Citizens metal of honor. Lots of conversation about the upcoming Legislative session. 

  • MDOC - met with Commissioner Cantillo about the lack of heat at MSP. He was aware of the issue and the matter was promptly addressed.

  • MDOC - MPAC advocated for access to Healthcare for a gentleman in Mountainview. His wife was worried MDOC wasn't following the doctor's order for his cancer treatment. Tony is looking into this.

  • MDOC - Joseph met with Deputy Commissioner Cantillo to discuss  a complaint lack of support for disabled women to get to the mess hall. MCC needs to create roles for wheelchair pushers like they have at MSP. Superintendent Ben Beal is bringing the issue to his team.

  • MDOC - Met with Deputy Commissioner Cantillo about complaints regarding the lack of access to the  Law Library.  The Commissioner requested individuals submit grievances. We discussed having the Law Library uploaded to the tablet system. Licensing prevented the upload in the past.

  • MDOC - The disciplinary officer Captain Allen was escorted out of the facility. Residents have a long history of complaints against him.

  • MCC Longtimers - Daria made her first visit to the facility, Darlene organized the meeting. List of concerns focused on the treatment of people who are going to the dining hall. Women ordered to push people in wheelchairs. The guys at MSP have a paid position. Women complained of having 10 minutes to eat. They can't take food back with them, so they are rushing to eat and throwing what they can't away. In rain, they are forced to walk through mud puddles instead of detouring around. Ruin their shoes and sit in cold wet clothes. The path is not up to code and people are getting injured.

  • MCC Longtimers - Darlene is still working with transgender individuals to make sure they get all the needed paperwork. Darlene and Luca are creating a Pen Pal Initiative for transgender individuals.

  • MCC Longtimers - writing parole letters and preparing for the Beyond the Bars Conference in New York March 6, 2025 - March 9, 2025. 

  • MCC Reentry Center - There’s been progress in bringing in Goodwill workforce solutions. They are visiting  every Friday at 9:30a. The Unit Manager Michelle Glock is making progress ensuring there is consistent transportation to and from work, this was the big issue

  • Advocacy Coalition - The Governor made the unprecedented decision to remove Professor Ward, and Disability Rights Attorney Atlee Riley from the board of JJAG. Both of them are fierce advocates for Youth Justice Reform. We still have allies on the board despite the attempted silencing of these leaders.

  • Longcreek - Andre's has resumed his role in the facility in collaboration with Credible Messengers. He meets weekly with each youth committed and detained with the question of the day. Each youth is provided a journal to respond.

  • Longcreek - MPAC is supporting 26 youth in reentry. There is weekly engagement with youth one-on-one or in groups. Youth are provided food, shoes, and haircuts. They are supported with seeking employment (help with filling out applications). Andre is speaking on behalf of youth during court hearings.

  • Longcreek - Andre is reporting that many of his youth participants are doing well in school, and many have jobs. He attributes their success to our commitment to developing authentic relationships with these young people.

  • Longcreek - Andre travels regularly to Newport and Lewiston / Auburn to connect with formerly incarcerated youth. He attended a celebration of life for a youth who recently lost his life.

  • MSP - met with Deputy Warden Dave Simpson on to discuss Inside Vision. We received permission to resume the art component of the program. 

  • MSP - the residents advisory council meeting regarding access to Healthcare postponed again. 

  • MSP-NAACP - hosted their MLK Day event on January 24th at 12:30pm. They honored Joseph Jackson and Jan Collins with Civil Rights awards.


  • Orange Bike Brewing Company - is planning to spotlight MPAC this spring to raise awareness about our work.

  • MPAC -  Linda and Brandon to lead the project to develop programming for the Paco's Place (Charles Jordan) reentry house.

  • MPAC Clemency project - Brandon lead  Shawn Libby’s clemency petition. Many people wrote letters supporting clemency for Shaun, including the former Warden Matt Magnusson. Shaun was denied a hearing by the parole board stating that he wasn't exceptional. The denial highlights the disfunction with Maine’s clemency process.

  • MPAC Habeas Corpus - Dennis Dechaine appeal under habeas corpus was denied, despite new DNA evidence. The denial highlights the trend amongst Judges and DA'S to devalue the use of DNA to exonerate.

  • Reentry Support - MPAC supported 7 people in reentry transition this month. 

  • Gallery Exhibit Project titled Inside Vision - gallery art exhibition at LA arts from March 28–May 9.  

  • Gallery Exhibit Project - UU Brunswick has invited us to exhibit incarcerated artists artwork. This is on hold for the year.

  • Bates - MPAC has extended a project with Bates College students. The project will continue to build on the project completed by students last semester.  MPAC Family Resource Inventory, Mental Health Resource, Pre-trial ResourceReentry Resource Inventory 

  • MPAC Film Series - Jon screened the film Tehachapi. Sammy helped organize the event. It was a good turnout.

  • Bates MLK Event - Joseph and Kenya Hall did a presentation of art at Gomes Chapel. Great Turnout!

  • StoneCoast at USM - Joseph was part of a panel discussion on power. 

  • UMAINE Law - Joseph taking part in a panel discussion about indigent defense. He will be joining DA Jackie Satoris, Attorney Tina Heat, DA Natasha Irving, Governor (?).

  • George Mason - Brandon completed a class with the women at MCC. Brandon's Class

  • Justice Radio - upcoming interview with Ray Sage from the Permanent Commission.

  • Maine Human Rights Commission - MPAC Assistant Director Jan Collins presented about the new law about  unlawful discrimination that requires that public and private entities to comply. Please see the wording of the statute

  • Mainecare - MPAC is partnering with Mainecare to hold workshops at MSP, MCC, Statewide Community meeting and a county jail.

  • Charles Jordan House - the Charles Jordan House project received a Notice to Proceed from MaineHousing. Hoping to break ground in May


  • MPAC - Daria Cullen is our communications lead. 

  • Website - MPAC Volunteer Jamie Peloquin leads our Website design.

  • Website - Ann Beaudry joined the communication team. We reviewed the website and made editing suggestions.

  • Website - Daria updates our website content,

  • MPAC - new YouTube channel MPAC YouTube channel 

  • MPAC brochures - MPAC Brochure 

  • Public engagement is On-track.

Donors/ funders:

  • Grant team meets weekly. 

  • MPAC - awarded a Charitable solicitation license from the State. We had to hire attorney Rob Levin to help facilitate the process.

  • PayPal Transition -  we will close the paypal account and move to Zeffy.

  • draft Donate Button Zeffy platform 

  • MPAC - The end of year letters for tax deductions for all donors are complete and in the mail.

  • Wellspring - Met with their director of grants this month. Wellspring is proposing a bridge grant until their grant opens in June.

  • Fidelity trust- 1000 dollars donated

  • MEHAF - MPAC is part of the MEHAF design team along with six organizations to develop a plan to distribute 2 million dollars. 

  • Become A Sustainer campaign - A sustainer is a Donor or Supporter who commits to making monthly or yearly donations of time or money to the organization. Sustainers play a crucial role in providing a stable and predictable source of income for us by allowing us to plan and execute long-term initiatives with greater confidence.


  • Assistant Director Jan Collins leads!

  • Legislative Committee Meetings - meets Tuesdays at 5:30pm each week.

  • Legislative Committee Meetings - is experiencing more participation from incarcerated individuals.

  • Legislative Committee - Legislative Committee / Speakers bureauSpeakers Bureau Brochure 

  • Legislative Update - Parole4Me - meets every other Wednesday over zoom. The group is developing a plan to bring the issue back during the next legislative session. 

  • Legislative Update - MPAC’S 2025 Legislative Tracker

  • Parole4ME - In addition to our statewide work, we are also hoping to organize by county. York County has begun contacting all of the local rotary clubs to discuss the topics of mass incarceration and the topic of parole. They are using Speaker’s Bureau brochures with a cover letter from MPAC and Prole4ME. Nicole Lund has presented on Mass Incarceration at UMF on Nov 14th and on Parole on Nov 21. Both talks are recorded.

Strategic Partnerships: ongoing- MaineTransnet, GLADD, Portland Outright, MIO, MYJ, Maine Law School, Disability Rights, Maine Equal Justice, ACLU, Muskie, Recovery Connections, Recovery Housing, JJAG, Women’s League of Voters, MPRN, MPDA, MSP-NAACP, Colby College, Bates College, UMA, RJIM, Maine Immigrants, Maine Family Planning, Maine Humanities Council, FAMM (Families for Justice Reform).

New Partners: Public Health Committee for Maine Medical Association, Knox-Waldo Sexual Assault Response Team (SART),  Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women. No Penobscot County Jail Expansion, ME-RAP, Southern Maine SURJ(Standing Up for Racial Justice), Amistad, Maine CDC, Vera Institute, Curative, Augusta Recovery Center, Reform Alliance, College Guild, Project Home, Maine Health Equity Foundation, Orange Bike Brewing Company, Friends of LongCreek.


Director’s Update: March 2025


Director’s Update: January 2025