Take Action


All donations will be used for direct expenses of advocacy and activism on behalf of and guided by prisoners. Our staff consists entirely of Volunteers. If you would like to donate, either click the Donate button on this page, or you can send your tax deductible check to: MPAC PO Box 446 Lisbon, ME 04250


Now, more than ever before, MPAC needs your assistance to combat regressive ideas and indifference toward Maine's prisoners and their families. There are many ways to volunteer at MPAC: Testify before State Legislature; Organize for rule changes; Host a young person in crisis. If you’d like more information about volunteering, click the button below, and fill out the form.

Use Your Words

Help MPAC by using your words to draft, edit, and submit letters to Editors, Sheriffs, Wardens, State Legislature, the Governor, and prisoners.

Action at the Jails

Go to your nearest jail and check out the Board of Visitors, report back to MPAC, help to develop strategies to solve the issues.


Help support legislation that will positively impact those formerly or currently in prison, and their families. Read about our priority bills here.

Meet Jan—Maine blueberry farmer, passionate advocate, and daughter of a parent who died in prison…

Other Actions

There are other ways you can take action, write Grants, support businesses owned by a system-impacted person, and attend MPAC Meetings.

While locked up Robert “Paco” Payzant was given the opportunity to learn about his own talents and used them to not only provide hospice care, but much more…