Director’s Update: May 2024

  • Operations: May operations are on track. 

  • MPAC: Board consists of 6 members, Co-Chair Ryun Anderson, Co-Chair Carla Hunt, Executive Secretary Julian Rowand, board members Jadirah Ortiz, Craig Williams, and Rosalani Moore. 

  • MPAC currently has a staff size of 12 individuals. Joseph Jackson, Jan Collins, Peter Lehman, Joelle Jackson, Darlene George, Brandon Brown, Wendy Allen, Andre Hicks, Antonio Jackson, Linda Small, Sami Basu and Kathy Elliot

  • MPAC has 11 volunteers leading projects. Doug Dunbar, Jon Courtney, Jamie Peloquin, Leslie Manning, Cheryl Mills, Olivia Hochstadt, Lani Graham, Adriane Herman, Nicole Lund, Sarah Johnson and Tatum Rosenberg.  Special thanks for their work and dedication.

  • MPAC Mission. Value, and Purpose statements 

  • Our Mission is to support and advocate for Maine’s incarcerated citizens, their families and friends.

  • Our Purpose is to reduce Maine’s use of incarceration by advocating for a criminal legal system  that is ethical, humane and restorative.  

  • Our Vision is of a justice system that is restorative. It supports humanity in every person, and reflects and creates transformation and accountability.

  • MPAC Staff and Volunteers meet as a full team weekly to update and resolve tensions.

  • MPAC staff members are in regular communications with incarcerated residents and formerly incarcerated individuals.

  • MPAC staff meeting in-person with incarcerated residents at MSP, Bolduc, MCC, SMWRC. 

  • MPAC Strategy Meeting is the second Saturday of each month from 10-12.

  • MPAC - Legislative Strategy Meeting every Tuesday at 5:30 pm will become the speaker’s meeting for the summer. 

  • Arts Programming Team - meets weekly Thursday mornings.

  • MPAC Website Committee: is switched to the first Monday each month.

  • MPAC- State of Maine retirement benefit Mandate. MPAC entered the State's program. New State Requirement for Retirement Savings in 2024

On-going: Advocacy, correspondence, and Direct Dialogue. 

  • MPAC Strategy Meeting - Cuba and Linda facilitated. Both are growing in their roles. We continue to have new people join us. 19 people attended.

  • MDOC - met with the Deputy Commissioner about the Gallery Art Project. The Deputy Commissioner decided to suspend collaboration. The project continues.

  •  MDOC - Met with the Deputy Commissioner about SCCP eligibility. Caseworkers have been notified that eligibility is permitted at that facility. They are processing applications.

  • MDOC - met with the Deputy Commissioner about LGBTQ policy and practices. Issued raised about the official recognition of identity. Housing Placements according to identity and decision to rescind housing placement. According to the Deputy Commissioner the practice is to judge each individual on a case by case basis. Seeking support from Outright and Maine Transnet.

  • MDOC- approved Residents for Compassionate release. It's the first approval since we first raised this as an issue. The individual was told that he must sign a DNR in order to be released.

  • MDOC - The medical director Ruth Lawson-Stops is under investigation!

  • MCC Reentry Center- monthly meetings at the facility are going well. 

  • Longcreek- 14 committed, 12 detained, the 11 year old is back(twelve in September) - met with probation and mom last week, three girls. 

  • MPAC - staff continues to support formerly incarcerated individuals in reentry, with transport, peer to peer support. One on one and in group settings.

  • MCC Longtimers - meeting with Longtimers twice a month. Two women were interviewed regarding dental care by Public radio. Juneteenth plans are going well.

  • MCC Longtimers - drafting a response to the Board of Visitors report. Sharing it with State Representatives and the governor!

  • MSP-NAACP- MSP is doing Juneteenth on the 28th. Nicole Porter from Sentencing Project is keynote, Joseph will be speaking and Sam James for music.

  • MSP-NAACP - requested MPAC support their Citizen’s Initiatives for policy changes - SCCP - prisoner cannot be transferred to SCCP if the custody level is higher than minimum.

  • Prisoner and Resident Account deposits - DOC holding peoples funds for 14 days

  • Adult release dates - resident performance accounts(PPR) influence the release date and there is no structure to contest.

  • Mail policy - recommendations listed

  • Medical/Mental Health Grievances - recommendations listed.

  • MSP- the medical subcommittee met. They made some progress on some issues, they are aware of shortcomings in dental and communication slips. 

  • MSP - MPAC staff presented at the June 4th Bars to Books Conference.

  • Penobscot county jail- Wendy noted the jail released a woman with only 7 days MAT, and didn't connect the individual to any community resources. 

  • Penobscot county jail- Both candidates who are running for the seat vacated by Sen Baldacci are in favor of a new jail.

  • MERN- they are focused on fundraising and reviewing organizational structures.

  • MYJ - MYJ working on kinks with the funding sources. Next year in juvenile justice reform. Looking at high level diversion of people away from the system based on the NY process.. 


  • Reentry Support- MPAC supported 7 people in reentry transition. 

  • Gallery Exhibit Project - Grand opening happened June 7 exhibition at the Meetinghouse Arts Gallery in Freeport.

  • Bates -MPAC is partnering with Bates next semester on a project to offer legal literacy for system-impacted individuals and their families. 

  • MPAC Film Series : On hold! Jon met with Erica Grover and Peter Servidio at MCC. They were enthusiastic about bringing the project to MCC.  Proposed film project 

  • MCC Reentry Center- Leslie: writing program beginning “Healing our Stories”. The unit manager has been very supportive.

  • Reentry Sisters: working on reentry planning with the women. Met with community partners who want to donate time, energy, expertise. Officially recognized as a 501c3.

  • Resource Organizing Projects: Joseph joined this Affinity Space for Black leaders in New England. Attended the second meeting which focused on fundraising challenges. It is a supportive space for black leaders. 

  • Justice Radio: on three stations now. Great interview with Solitary Watch. Working on some contacts. Can the show host a legislative rundown before the next session.

  • For archived episodes, please visit: or tune-in every Thursday at 5pm for Justice Radio on Community Radio WERU 89.9 FM!

  • Freedom And Captivity - Catherine Besteman leads. Darlene is facilitating two classes. Cuba and Linda will facilitate a class for Conscious Revolution.

  • MPAC'S Speakers Bureau- Speakers Bureau meetings are rescheduled to Tuesday evening 5:30 - 6:30pm of each week while the legislature is not in session. There may be some legislative issues mixed in as this is the usual time for the legislative meeting.

  • Behind the Door Podcast- MPAC Coordinator Brandon Brown co-host with the Executive Director of Recovery Connections of Maine Jeremy Hiltz. Doing a trial run of the Justice Radio model. Doing some episodes on zoom to reach out to people outside of New England. Behind the Door

  • MPAC - has contracted the women at MCC to create MPAC brochures and t-shirts.

  • Healing First - victims rights organization in Maine whose mission and philosophy centers on restorative justice. MPAC submitted a letter in support for fundraising purposes.

  • Charles Jordan House - MPAC has site control over the Charles Jordan House. We need an environmental study, an engineer assessment,  and lead, radon, and asbestos testing. 

  • MPAC - tabled the Lewiston/Auburn pride parade June 2th. Cuba and Tatum held it down

  • MIO: MPAC has joined a Coalition with Maine Inside Out to plan a mural, parade, and block party in Lewiston on Juneteenth.


Communication Resources:

Donors/ funders:

  • Grant team meets weekly  Al Cleveland has joined our Development team!

  • Maine Community Foundation BIPOC grant awarded 10000

  • Maine Community Foundation- General Operating granted

  • Maine Initiatives Outdoor equity fund - - submitted

  • Borealis grant - in progress 

  • MEHAF - MPAC joined six organizations to develop a plan to distribute 2 million dollars.

  • Become A Sustainer campaign- A sustainer is a Donor or Supporter who commits to making monthly or yearly donations of time or money to the organization. Sustainers play a crucial role in providing a stable and predictable source of income for us by allowing us to plan and execute long-term initiatives with greater confidence.


  • Assistant Director Jan Collins leads!

  • Federal Legislation- met with Senator Collins and King about banning federal solitary confinement on May 16th at 10:00 am and 11:00 am. 

  • Legislature in Recess.

  • Legislative Committee / Speakers bureau- brochures are ready Speakers Bureau Brochure 

  • The group is practicing their stories. Meetings at 5:30pm via zoom Join Zoom Meeting


  • Legislative Update- Parole4Me- meets every other Monday over zoom. The group is developing a plan to bring the issue back during the next legislative session

  • Justice Collective - newly form coalition that MPAC joined

Strategic Partnerships: ongoing- MaineTransnet, GLADD, Portland Outright, MIO, MYJ, Maine Law School, Disability Rights, Maine Equal Justice, ACLU, Muskie, Recovery Connections, Recovery Housing, JJAG, Women’s League of Voters, MPRN, MPDA, MSP-NAACP, Colby College, Bates College, UMA, RJIM, Maine Immigrants, Maine Family Planning, Maine Humanities Council, FAMM (Families for Justice Reform).

New Partners- Pubic Health Committee for Maine Medical Association, Knox-Waldo Sexual Assault Response Team (SART),  Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women. No Penobscot County Jail Expansion , ME-RAP, Southern Maine SURJ(Standing Up for Racial Justice), Amistad, Maine CDC, Vera Institute, Curative, Augusta Recovery Center, Reform Alliance, College Guild, Project Home, Maine Health Equity Foundation, Orange Bike Brewing Company


Director’s Update: June/July 2024


Director’s Update: April 2024