Director’s Update: December 2024
Operations: November operations are on track.
MPAC: Board consists of 6 members, Co-Chair Ryun Anderson, Co-Chair Carla Hunt, Executive Secretary Julian Rowand, board members Jadirah Ortiz, Craig Williams, and Rosalani Moore.
MPAC currently has a staff size of 12 individuals. Joseph Jackson, Jan Collins, Peter Lehman, Joelle Jackson, Darlene George, Brandon Brown, Andre Hicks, Antonio Jackson, Linda Small, Sammy Basu, Daria Cullen and Kathy Elliot
MPAC has 10 volunteers. Doug Dunbar, Jon Courtney, Jamie Peloquin, Leslie Manning, Tatum Rosenberg, Olivia Hochstadt, Lani Graham, Adriane Herman, Nicole Lund, Sarah Johnson, Ann Beaudry and Craig McEwen. Special thanks for their work and dedication.
MPAC Mission. Value, and Purpose statements
Our Mission is to support and advocate for Maine’s incarcerated citizens, their families and friends.
Our Purpose is to reduce Maine’s use of incarceration by advocating for a criminal legal system that is ethical, humane and restorative.
Our Vision is of a justice system that is restorative. It supports humanity in every person, and reflects and creates transformation and accountability.
MPAC Staff and Volunteers meet as a full team weekly to update and resolve tensions.
MPAC staff members are in regular communications with incarcerated residents and formerly incarcerated individuals.
MPAC staff meeting in-person with incarcerated residents at MSP, Bolduc, MCC, SMWRC.
MPAC Strategy Meeting is the second Saturday of each month from 10-12.
MPAC - Legislative Strategy Meeting every Tuesday at 5:30 pm.
Arts Programming Team - meets weekly Thursday mornings at 8:00am.
MPAC Website Committee: is switched to the first Monday each month.
MPAC - Development and Communications Committee meets Mondays every other week.
MPAC - grant committee meets weekly on Tuesday.
MPAC - Ways of Working committee meets monthly.
MPAC- All staff are enrolled in the State of Maine retirement benefit program.
On-going: Advocacy, correspondence, and Direct Dialogue.
November MPAC Strategy Meeting - the director of College Guild came to address the group, as did a representative from the Permanent Commission, and Portland Outright! It was a good meeting with several Incarcerated people in attendance.
MDOC - Brandon talked with Randy about Shawn Libby’s clemency petition. Several people have written letters supporting clemency for Shaun.
MDOC - met with Commissioner Cantillo on Friday to discuss our upcoming legislative initiatives, the gallery art project Wabanaki medicine bags, and religious rituals involving fire.
MDOC - Met with DW Tony Cantillo on Friday. Asked to have FOIA forms in all the pods easily available, he was not in opposition and suggested the request should go through Resident Advisory Council (RAC) committee meetings, and can also be raised at the medical subcommittee meetings.
MDOC- phasing out the Edovo texting contract. There are problems implementing the new system. Older family members are finding it challenging setting up the new accounts. The tech doesn't work in some cells. There is a cost to email.
MCC Longtimers- headway has been made in the efforts to ensure that women have access to holiday meals and celebrations in their own facility. Women will be allowed to purchase food from approved vendors.
MCC Longtimers- Linda and Darlene will meet with the MSP-NAACP on Dec 16 & 17 to work on parenting policy. 6.3. They are also working with residents on grievance policy.
MCC Longtimers - Daria and Jon will receive volunteer training this Thursday. Daria will go in with Leslie on Dec 19th.
MCC Reentry Center- Linda going in on Wednesday. Only 19 out of 95 people at the center are working. There is a need for a full time transport officer so people can get back and forth to work. Issue to be raised with the Warden.
MCC Reentry Center -MERN has not been able to get in to support women in reentry. At the moment, the 6 peer recovery coaches are supporting women in reentry.
Advocacy Coalition- conversation about the settlement with the Justice Department. If we have the right manager to oversee the process a real difference could be made. The idea is to provide mental health services in the community so the youth do not end up at Long Creek..
Longcreek- One of our youth participants Frankie finished probation, and received a certificate of completion. Andre collaborated with the Friends of Long Creek. They supported a trip to the Sea Dogs facility where they broke bread. The Friends of Long Creek are supporting youth to get drivers licences.
Longcreek - MPAC is supporting 19 youth in reentry. There is weekly engagement with youth in a one on one or in groups. Youth are provided food, shoes, and haircuts. They are supported with seeking employment (help with filling out applications). Andre is speaking on behalf of youth during court hearings.
Longcreek- one of the youth in our program was shot and killed in Boston. MPAC provided resources for his funeral arrangements.
MPAC - staff continues to support formerly incarcerated individuals in reentry, with transport, peer to peer support. One on one and in group settings.
MSP - the facility is reviewing community employment for incarcerated residents. Several residents have been told they cannot do any public facing events, even if the event is educational in nature.
Penobscot County - No new updates! Commissioners are moving forward to purchase land and build a new, larger jail at a staggering cost to taxpayers.
MSP - MPAC continues to work with Orange Bike Brewing Company. Newsletter is doing a story and we will be interviewed.
MSP - Jan attended a dinner with incarcerated residents at MSP on Sunday December 8th.
MPAC - MPAC has contracted Jeff Evangelos to work with Colby College to create a get out of prison handbook on clemency and other strategies for reducing a prison sentence. Matt finished his interviews with Jeff. He is now interviewing folks at Maine Indigent Defense Center, UM Law prison clinic and head of the clemency board to confirm all the legal stuff. We want to make sure it’s all accurate. We will circle back to Jeff for final confirmation of everything. Shooting for a launch date in Feb.
Reentry Support- MPAC supported 6 people in reentry transition.
Gallery Exhibit Project - The Francis Hotel is hosting a gallery exhibition. The exhibition will run through Christmas. Over 200 photos up. If you are interested in purchasing art for a Xmas gift, please visit the Francis Hotel
Gallery Exhibit Project - we have been invited back to The Francis hotel next year to exhibit incarcerated artists artwork.
Gallery Exhibit Project -We have been invited to open an art exhibition at LA arts in March 2025.
Gallery Exhibit Project - UU Brunswick has invited us to exhibit incarcerated artists artwork.
Book drive - 5 boxes dropped off to go to MVC. Books were also sent to Franklin County Jail.
Bates -Bates College students will be doing their final presentation on our collaborative project this Friday from 10:30- 11:30 am.
MPAC Film Series : a screening of “Songs from the Hole” was shown at MSP. There were only 12 incarcerated residents in attendance. Despite the low number of attendance the conversations were impactful.
MPAC Film Series - Jon and Silas will screen Dakota 38 film next week.
MPAC Film Series - Jon will screen the film Tehachapi in January.
MCC Reentry Center- Brandon was at the women's center. Bridging the Divide class. Spoke to 16 women with Rebecca Barr.
Reentry Sisters: Linda - Helping women who will be released next month to enroll in college.
Reentry Sisters- Group of therapists has pledged to serve as a resource for women. They will donate one free hour of therapy.
Reentry Sisters - supported two women to find employment.
Freedom and Captivity - Laura Rhodas and Tony Cantillo have been waffling about having inside facilitators. They will deemphasize payment for incarcerated facilitators. We will prioritize our focus on people who are system impacted in the community.
Justice Radio - Jan will be interviewed by Linda in the next broadcast.
Charles Jordan House - No new updates. Charles Jordan is continuing to progress. Expect to break ground in the spring. Land survey is complete.
MPAC - hired Daria Cullen as our communications lead. Her role will be to manage the website. It includes creating, curating, and generating content for the website. Start date November 18th.
Website: MPAC Volunteer Jamie Peloquin leads our Website design.
Website: Ann Beaudry joined the communication team. We reviewed the website and made editing suggestions.
MPAC brochures. MPAC Brochure
Public engagement is On-track.
Communication Resources:
Maine art Commission featuring Joseph's video. Joseph's poem "Lewiston Strong "
Donors/ funders:
Grant team meets weekly.
Cuba - joined the grant team! He attended a grant research training by Maine Philanthropy Center
PayPal Transition: Working on closing the old paypal account that was under Irv’s name and transitioning to Zeffe.
draft Donate Button Zeffy platform
University of Maine at Augusta - 3600
Maine Community Foundation - 10000
Maine Initiatives- awarded 3 year 15000 to MSP-NAACP
Individual Donations - 2500.00
JT Gorman Board member- pledges 25000
Wellspring pledges 25000 bridge funding
Long Timers and MSP-NAACP have been approved to hold a fundraiser inside the prison for MPAC.
Wellspring- issuing bridge funding of 25000 jan/feb 2025.
MEHAF - MPAC is part of the MEHAF design team along with six organizations to develop a plan to distribute 2 million dollars.
Become A Sustainer campaign- A sustainer is a Donor or Supporter who commits to making monthly or yearly donations of time or money to the organization. Sustainers play a crucial role in providing a stable and predictable source of income for us by allowing us to plan and execute long-term initiatives with greater confidence.
Assistant Director Jan Collins leads!
Legislative Committee Meetings - meets Tuesdays at 5:30pm each week.
Legislative Committee Meetings - is experiencing more participation from incarcerated individuals.
Legislative Committee - language for Bill to expand SCCP is complete. Nina Miliken sponsoring.
Legislative Committee - Peter has been working on the Ombuds Bill with Craig McEwan and Lani.
Legislative Committee - Rep Sayre is the sponsor of the Reentry Bill we are supporting..
Legislative Committee - is still seeking a sponsor for our Parole bill. We asked Jill Duscon.
Legislative Committee / Speakers bureau- Speakers Bureau Brochure
Legislative Update- Parole4Me- meets every other Wednesday over zoom. The group is developing a plan to bring the issue back during the next legislative session. The last meeting hosted Richard Harburger, current chair of the parole board.
County Jail Boards of Visitors - Jan is on the Franklin County Board of Visitors, Sarah Johnson and Janet Drew are on the York County BOV. All are working to bring more humane policies that focus on successful reentry. Yearly reports for jail and prison BOVs must be submitted to the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee of the Maine Legislature on or before February 15th of each calendar year.
Parole4ME - In addition to our statewide work, we are also hoping to organize by county. York County has begun contacting all of the local rotary clubs to discuss the topics of mass incarceration and the topic of parole. They are using Speaker’s Bureau brochures with a cover letter from MPAC and Prole4ME. Nicole Lund has presented on Mass Incarceration at UMF on Nov 14th and on Parole on Nov 21. Both talks are recorded.
Strategic Partnerships: ongoing- MaineTransnet, GLADD, Portland Outright, MIO, MYJ, Maine Law School, Disability Rights, Maine Equal Justice, ACLU, Muskie, Recovery Connections, Recovery Housing, JJAG, Women’s League of Voters, MPRN, MPDA, MSP-NAACP, Colby College, Bates College, UMA, RJIM, Maine Immigrants, Maine Family Planning, Maine Humanities Council, FAMM (Families for Justice Reform).
New Partners- Pubic Health Committee for Maine Medical Association, Knox-Waldo Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), Maine Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women. No Penobscot County Jail Expansion, ME-RAP, Southern Maine SURJ(Standing Up for Racial Justice), Amistad, Maine CDC, Vera Institute, Curative, Augusta Recovery Center, Reform Alliance, College Guild, Project Home, Maine Health Equity Foundation, Orange Bike Brewing Company, Friends of LongCreek.