Director’s Update: November 2022


  • MPAC October operations are on track

  • MPAC currently has a staff size of 14 individuals. Joseph Jackson, Jan Collins, Peter Lehman, Whitney Parrish, Joelle Jackson, Cheryl Mills, Bobby Payzant, Daniel Fortune, Brandon Brown, Wendy Allen, Andre Hicks, Antonio Jackson, Linda Dolloff and Kathy Elliot.

  • MPAC has 4 volunteer Coordinators leading projects. Doug Dunbar, Jon Courtney, Jamie Peloquin & Leslie Manning.

  • MPAC staff has co-created a new Mission. Value, and Purpose statements

    • Our Mission is to support and advocate for Maine’s incarcerated citizens, their families and friends.

    • Our Purpose is to reduce Maine’s use of incarceration by advocating for a legal system that is ethical, humane and restorative.

    • Our Vision is of a justice system that is restorative. It supports humanity in every person, and reflects and creates transformation and accountability.

  • MPAC Staff and Volunteer Coordinators meet as a full team weekly to update and resolve tensions.

  • MPAC staff members are in regular communications with incarcerated residents and

    formerly incarcerated individuals.

  • MPAC staff meeting in-person with incarcerated residents at MSP, Bolduc, MCC,


  • MPAC our 501c3 application is approved.

  • MPAC Administrative Assistant responds and directs incoming correspondence to staff.

  • MPAC Strategy Meeting is held the second Saturday of each month. This past meeting was one of the meetings during the year where the second Saturday comes before the second Thursday's board meeting.

  • MPAC Legislative Strategy Meeting every Tuesday at 6pm. Weekly meetings are held to discuss legislative strategy.

  • MPAC held its first communication committee meeting.

  • MPAC will hold its first Development committee meeting next monday.

On-going: Advocacy, correspondence, and Direct Dialogue.

  • MPAC - next strategy meeting this Saturday November 12, 2022!

  • MDOC - transgender person who is married to another person at MDOC has been

    denied visits with spouse. Will be meeting with Ryan about it.

  • MDOC - MPAC met with Randy and Ryan in person on October 21st. We focused on our

    upcoming Legislative agenda. Bill to provide housing for indigent individuals one year

    after release. Solitary confinement and Parole!

  • MDOC - Talked with Laura Rhodas about a future collaboration on an art degree

    program at MECA & D. Also met Erika Grover(replacement for Abbie) the new program

    person at MCC.

  • MDOC- Dr Newby is leaving Wellpath MPAC will have to connect with the new Director

    when they are named to continue to support access to health-care.

  • MCC Reentry Center- Met the first Monday of this month. We had a good meeting, with

    regular attendance, women report things are good, and they are in regular dialog with admin. We also had the first inside cohort meeting for Reentry Sisters. Linda is doing individual work with two women. Abby Turner (very helpful MDOC staff) turned in her resignation.

  • MPAC staff are supporting formerly incarcerated individuals in reentry, with transport, peer to peer support. One on one and in group settings.

  • MCC Longtimers - meeting with Longtimers twice a month. health issues continue. The person was identified as having a tumor. She was never informed, and now the tumor is inoperable. Looking for an attorney.

  • MCC Longtimers- A matter of concern is the lack of oversight in the MAT program. Some people are offering their medications to others. Diversion.

  • MSP - a couple of guys on a hunger strike in A2. It's reported 7 or 8 guys down there on 10 minute watch.

  • MSP- MSP NAACP held a voter registration and education event September 15th. The Secretary of State was there as well as other guests and speakers. MPAC staff attended and assisted.

  • MSP -. This Friday incarcerated individuals are debating MIT.

  • Parole Commission - Parole Commission met Friday. The meeting was open to the

    public. MPAC organized victims to speak for parole. MPAC is organizing incarcerated individuals to write testimonials, which we will organize and facilitate members from the community to read.


  • MCC Reentry Center- MPAC is planning a Film series, transformative art. Swoon is tentatively the first artist/October. Jon Courtney leading!

  • Gallery Exhibit Project - debuted October 7th. At the Portland Public Library for the opening of INSIDE VISION: An Outside Exhibition of Inside Art, featuring the art of youth and adult residents of Maine's correctional facilities.

  • Gallery Exhibit Project - debuted November 3rd. At the University of Farmington for the opening of INSIDE VISION: The opening was filmed and well attended.

  • Arts in Prison - Talent show on Saturday- drama, music, etc.

  • Pros and Cons - meeting again!. Creating activities and events for people to do
    together. Values of open ears, and listening to each other, especially the newly
    reentering. Showing good attendance.

  • Conversations - Monday night peer support groups in Portland have been suspended due to lack of outreach.

  • Charles Jordan House - another grant opportunity in November. Meeting with CHOM on the 22nd to discuss potential partnership.

  • MPAC- Kennedy Park Recovery Rally in Lewiston very well attended with numbers and a variety of organizations. Good for networking! We sold almost all of our t-shirts and deposited $600. Paco and Brandon gave amazing performances. Lots of system impacted people were there

  • MDOC - MSP -library has been broken down to two smaller(1⁄8) and placed in a locked corridor in medium and close. Getting permission will be difficult and the space is cramped.

  • MCC Reentry Center- Jon’s friend Daniel from Frith Farm helped with the garden. Cheryl and Leslie also assisted with the garden.

  • MCC Longtimers - met with the Women on Thursday. Organized the Chief medical oversight of State contracts to the meeting.

  • USM recovery event - MPAC attended the Social Justice Fair.

  • Reentry Support - MPAC continues to support reentry transition..

  • Abolition Night - at the Strand Theater in Rockland has been postponed till spring.

  • Longcreek- Andre going in daily. Working with youth one on one and in groups, building trust, responding to prompts, and Journaling. Brandon is going into Longcreek and meets with kids enrolled with Opportunity Scholars. Andre is supporting a young woman with furloughs to work at a beauty shop. Youth at the facility are preparing to share their art on the radio.

  • Justice Scholar Strategy - Concerns have been raised about the project from the Director of the grant. The DOC has raised a tension with UMA over some goals of the grant. Grant Director and advisory board is raising the issue with appropriate parties seeking relief. The payroll for part time MPAC coordinators comes from that budget.

  • Freedom And Captivity - Catherine Besteman leads. Freedom and Captivity curriculum - Loss and Transformation is ongoing. Wed 6-8:30. Cuba has been instructing.

  • MIT - Linda and Brandon will be speaking at the higher education in prison, as well as the UMaine chancellor. The MIT versus DOC student debate is happening on Wednesday 1 to 3 at MCC. Please tune in and support if you are available

  • Radio show - Justice Radio, a once a week 30 minute radio show is starting next month, Linda’s first show is on stigma. Catherine and Leo's show was amazing.


  • MPAC’s brochures. MPAC Brochure

  • The Communication Committee met and is looking into the management of our Google Group, and if we can empower members to set parameters emails. We are also looking into creating company emails for staff and board.





  • Assistant Director Jan Collins survey project is complete. We are reviewing the data.

  • MPAC Survey for Legislative Candidates

  • Solitary confinement - Rep Grayson Lookner has agreed to sponsor a bill in the next


  • Parole

  • MPAC is in discussions with Consumer Council of Maine and MPRN about a bill to strengthen Board’s of Visitors.

  • Bill to require the MDOC to provide a years rent for indigent individuals reentering Maine’s communities.


Director’s Update: December 2022


Director’s Update: September 2022